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Hyundai and Kia agree to US$ 200 million settlement over claims cars are easy to steal
Hyundai and Kia agree to $200 million settlement in class-action lawsuit over vehicle thefts
Minnesotans with stolen Kia or Hyundai could soon apply for settlement money
Kia, Hyundai settle class-action lawsuit after a rash of thefts due to security flaw
Efforts to protect Kia & Hyundai owners
Car theft hurting coverage
Atlanta Police offer this to help stop Kia, Hyundai thefts
Is KIA the easiest car to steal?
Kia owner concerned about insurance coverage after car was stolen and damaged
Milwaukee Hyundai owner says car thefts are to blame for $3,800 annual insurance rate increase
Viral trend leads to car theft
NOPD recommends purchasing steering locks for some Kia and Hyundai cars